Hypnotherapy for Blushing
If you blush, life is fine until you enter those situations where you’re likely to blush. At those times your mind races and the feelings of lack of confidence become high. By using hypnotherapy, we help you to train your brain “not to care” about the situation and so allow you to relax and take the situation in your stride.
Blushing is a subconscious, physical reaction that our bodies have learned to do certain situations. Blushing is triggered by something external and is no different from any other learned response.
The subconscious uses the blushing mechanism to remove us from a situation that it believes could cause us to feel embarrassed or self-conscious. In this way, it protects us from a situation where we feel uncomfortable and in doing so it is protecting us. The irony is that by this action the subconscious actually embarrasses us and creates the very feeling it is working so hard to protect us against.
Often, problems with blushing can be traced back to an initial sensitising event.
Hypnotherapy for blushing can help to stop blushing in a number of different ways. Above, we talked about how blushing is an sub-conscious reaction to certain stimuli. When we use hypnotherapy for blushing we can work with your sub-conscious mind to program in new, positive sub-conscious reactions to these external triggers to make blushing a thing of the past.
Call 0800 035 2708 for a free initial consultation.